


About Me

Renders Art & PCBs



PCB Design


Signal Processing

  • We built an Audio Spectrum visualiser and guitar tuner and displayed them through a custom LED matrix on the face of a guitar. I designed, assembled and programmed a custom PCB and used time and frequency domain signal processing.

How it Works

The guitar has two main functions; The spectrum visualiser works by applying a Fast Hartley Transform algorithm to a microphone input and splitting the detected frequencies logarithmically into 8 bins. These are then scaled and displayed on the LED matrix through a look up table.

maparray[5] = map(fht_oct_out[5],35,120,0,15);
  for (int m=0; m <=6; m++){ //iterate through frequency bins
    for(int j=(26-(4*m)); j >= (26-(4*(m+1))); j--){ //iterate across matrix
       for(int i=0; i <= maparray[m]; i++){
        if ((lookuptable[i][j] != 0) && (i < 16) && (j >=0)) { //find corresponding value in looKup table
          strip.setPixelColor(lookuptable[i][j]-1, r,g,b); //set colour
        for(byte k = 15; k > maparray[m]; --k){ //turn all the other LEDs off
          if ((lookuptable[k][j] != 0) && (j >=0)){
          strip.setPixelColor(lookuptable[k][j]-1, 0,0,0);

The guitar tuner takes the analog output from the guitar's pickups and amplifies the signal to 5V. A DC offset of 2.5V is applied to keep the signal positive. This signal can then be read by the 10-bit ADC of the Atmega MCU and an autocorrelation method is used to detect precise frequencies and compare them to the known correct values.

Circuit Schematic

Circuit Schematic

PCB Render
Office Image

My Contribution

  • I generated the circuit schematics
  • I designed and populated the custom PCB
  • I programmed the look-up table and the spectrum visualiser in C++
  • I was responsible for a large part of the mechanical design and manufacture
